Still downloading every single song on Stephenie Meyer's playlists. I'm just starting on Eclipse. Man, I love this music. It's SOOO good! I listened to the New Moon playlist while reading Eclipse the other night... It makes it much more interesting, let me tell you. I'll have to listen to the music a little more, though. I don't know many of the songs, so I tend to listen to them more closely, which distracts me from the words on the page. I was surprised that I knew as many songs as I did. Liiiike... "I Miss You" by Blink-182. TOTALLY didn't know that song was called "I Miss You." Or "The Reason" by Hoobastank. Or "Hate Me" by Blue October. I was actually singing along with them before I figured out that I knew-- and liked-- the songs. I think "Fix You" by Coldplay was another one...
Anywho, my quest to fix my iTunes is nearly complete. Did I write about that? Through some extremely impressive acts of stupidity, I managed to delete every single song off my computer. My dad, being the wonderful genius that he is, recovered them for me, but I still feel really stupid. And I had to move all of my music to a different harddrive because we decided to put it on a shared drive. I'm the only one that manages any music through iTunes, so my sister would be helpless if I didn't load things for her. So I've been re-adding the 1000+ songs that I had on there, re-importing the CD files that were corrupted from being deleted, and so on and so forth. I'm also adding some really old CDs of mine... and my mom's. Gotta love the good stuff-- Wings, Edwin McCain, The Beatles, REO Speedwagon, Little River Band, ABBA... OH MAN. It's good.
I'm wired from seeing Iron Man. I FINALLY got out of the house. I've been trapped here with my dad for the past two weeks. I graduate and suddenly it seems I fall off the face of the earth-- socially at least. The only person that invites me to do anything is my soon-to-be roommate, and I'm trying to lessen our time together since I'll be living with her soon. I love her to death, but sometimes too much of a good thing can become a bad thing, and I don't want that to happen with us. ANYWAY. Iron Man was great, but there was this REALLY annoying girl that sat next to my dad... She wouldn't shut up. I was about to say something to her, but then my dad said something instead, which was probably a good thing because he was much more polite than I would have been. And then she was screaming at everyone to stay because there was something at the end of the credits, but a bunch of people left anyway. But I was like, "Uh, lady, no one is listening to you because they're tired of your voice. They didn't want to hear you in the middle of the movie, and they don't want to hear you now. SHUT UP."
Well, now I must let the dog out, so I'll end this silly rant about nothingness.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Holy Downloading.
Posted by Whitney Rose at 10:37 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 15, 2008
It's official-- I've graduated from high school. Scary, I know.
So I've been at home by myself for the past, oh, week I'd say. My sister's been at school. Yesterday was her last day-- she got to test out of all of her semester tests (except for Precalc... She's chosen to take that test because she's an over-achiever). And what does she do today? She goes to a movie with her junior friends and leaves me by myself. AGAIN.
So I'm cleaning my room, and sort of packing along the way. I've been doing that for a few days now. My room was really that bad. I can now walk in it, but it's got a long way to go. It gets better, then it gets worse again... And then I decide to take really long breaks where I decide to download music or talk to people on Windows Live Messenger. My downloading is getting out of hand, but I've got a BUNCH of really cool songs. I'm downloading every song on Stephenie Meyer's book playlists. I'm a nerd, I know. But she has AWESOME taste in music. And I'm sick of listening to Broadway showtunes. Shh! don't tell Jordan; he'll have a heart attack.
WELLLLLLL, I better get back to my room. Maybe I'll try downloading a few more songs. Limewire crapped out on me last night, so I ended up reading for about... four hours and then going to bed. My life is so BORING. At least I'll (hopefully) get a job soon. I applied at a Christian book store called Parables. It's practically a step away from soon-to-be MY apartment. I could walk to work from my apartment if I didn't have to walk on major roads. Wait, I think I could walk anyway. I think the walking trail goes right past it. Hm.
Anywho, so I have connections in the store, and I think I can get a job there. WOO! But enough about that. I'm going to CLEAN.
Posted by Whitney Rose at 9:38 AM 0 comments