Monday, March 10, 2008


Now that musical is over-- an overall successful production, save for me and good ol' Schmidt forgetting our lines-- my afternoons are completely open. This sucks even more because my sister is in track. I'm so bored that I don't even know what I want to write. In fact, I don't want to write anything. I should look for my black book for speech since I still need it (FREAKING GOING TO STATE IN O.I.D. BITCHES!), but I'm too lazy to do that. Boredom is not good with a lazy person. *sigh* I guess I'm going to clean the house and blast my music until the neighbors complain. Whatever, dudes. My birthday's on Friday. I do what I want.

P.S. I've used my cussing quota for the week (I seriously do not cuss very often, unless I'm with my mom and sister, which seems like it be a contradiction, but they're the people I'm most comfortable with in the entire WORLD. Plus they don't give a crap). BUT! I have a feeling this is going to be the kind of week where I want to just lay on the couch and yell at the ceiling. I have a feeling.