Title inspired by Lord of the Rings. Why? Not sure.
So... I shouldn't start blogs if I'm going to forget about them, eh?
Iwas looking through my blog posts and found a draft that I'd never posted from April of last year. Apparently finals inspires me to do blog. Anyway, this is what my draft said:
I've recently been infected with the blogging bug again... I think I always quit blogging because it seems like there's just no one out there that cares about what I say.
But srsly. All of a sudden people are like "OMG BLOGGING RULZ!" They're even starting a blog for my college's choirs and vocal students. I'm kind of like "Um, yeah, duh. You should have done that three years ago when blogging was cooler. Now blogging is lame. Everyone uses Twitter and that junk." But whatever.
I'm not sure what the point of my blog was, but I'm including it because, well, I haven't kept this updated. At least I showed interest in posting a year ago...
Life has been intense this past year and a half. When I last posted, I was just starting my freshman year of college. I'm now finishing up my sophomore year. I didn't fail music theory (MCC I) like I said I was going to. I'm getting ready for my MCCIV final next week. There is little doubt in my mind that I will pass that class with at least a C+ (or hopefully a B!).
I did make friends at school. I have some truly wonderful friends that know just how to cheer me up. And my sister is now in the music program at the same school as me, so I get to see her every day. In fact, we share a room at my apartment. It's... interesting.
Speaking of apartments, I'm moving to a new one soon. My sister and I are going to get a three bedroom with my cousin. We've been having several problems at our current apartment (cleaning habits, food ownership, etc) and while I like my roommates very much, I think it's time we moved on. But mostly I want my own room. And we're helping my cousin out because she doesn't want to live on campus anymore. I can't say I blame her! I wouldn't like living with strangers. It's weird enough to live with friends. But living with family will be fun! I think.
Some sad news to add to this. Our dear Rozzy (pictured in previous posts) passed away earlier this month. She was a good rat, and I'm sad that she died so young. She had to live with Morgan's parents for the past few months because I developed an allergy to her (my eyes were swollen shut!). It was better for her to live with Morgan's parents anyway. Her younger siblings would play with her. Rozzy wasn't getting much exercise at our apartment-- Kitty, our foster cat, wouldn't allow it. And Rozzy was chewing on things. Rest in peace, Rozzy!
What else can I say? I spend most of my time working on homework, memorizing music, surfing the internet, or watching my shows. TV is my favorite way to relax. I can honestly say that last year I didn't watch much TV. My sister Cheyenne brought that habit with her. I like it, though! My only complaint is I don't like TV in the morning, but I can deal. We watch Glee, The Vampire Diaries, Dancing with the Stars, Castle, and LOST (thank goodness for Hulu, otherwise we wouldn't be able to watch all of our shows!). And then we go home on the weekends and watch The Pacific and reruns of True Blood. The Pacific is an amazing show. If you haven't watched it, I suggest you do!
I have other things I could talk about, but this post is getting ridiculously long. I'll save some for a more specific post, which I should be putting up tonight! I also have to figure out a topic for a commemorative speech due tomorrow. Hmmm. Hopefully I'll think of something!
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