Wednesday, February 6, 2008

First Post

So... I used to have a blogspot a loooong time ago (when I was, like 14). It had to do with hobbits, I swear it. But it has disappeared long since, and I'm fed up with GreatestJournal and LiveJournal and all the crap they're doing. LiveJournal was cool at first, but I didn't really like it after a while. Then GreatestJournal came around, and I was like "AWESOME! 1000 userpics! Yayyyy!" And I had several accounts for RP characters and life was good... until they knocked it down to 100 pics... then a measly 10 pics (I had 16 pics on one LJ account because I got some deal that upgraded my account). I don't like posting about my woes on Myspace or Facebook because people tend to read those more and sometimes there are things that I want to say that I don't necessarily want everyone to read.

So now where am I? Back where it all started. Pretty cool, huh? Oh, I'm going to get a blog on my own website soon, but I'm about 80% sure that you can transfer this bad boy to another domain or something crazy like that. Just like I'm about 80% sure that the rest of my family had something with kielbasa and potatoes for supper. The smell has taken over the upstairs, but that's all I have to go on as far as leads because I was in bed at 6:30 p.m. I know, I'm lame. But I was angry; I didn't want to deal with anyone, so I ate supper at 5:30, stewed for about half an hour, talked to my friend for about 10 minutes on MSN, and then I stared at pictures on deviantART for another 20 minutes before I decided to sleep. And now I'm wide awake at 11:30. You could say my plan backfired slightly, but whatever. I'll probably fall asleep easily after I finish messing around with my blog and sleep all night and STILL be late to jazz band practice in the morning. But that's just because I'm awesome like that.