Monday, April 21, 2008

Hold on, spider monkey.

Oh my good lord.

Just watched another Twilight clip. I'M IN LOVE. I'm literally SWOONING. I'm about ready to cry because it just is so... so... BEAUTIFUL. And Stephenie was in this clip. <3 She's my ultimate hero.

They don't really say much in the clip... I think it was the first time I'd heard Carlisle or Esme talk (well, the actors... whatever). And I'm in love with Alice. AND THE NOMADS. *swoons again* I want to steal Laurent. <333 I think it's cool the way they make it look like they're walking at normal speed, but they're actually walking ultra fast... You've just gotta watch the clip to see it.

There's also something that Edward says and I was kind of like WTF?! He calls Bella a SPIDER MONKEY. Maybe I don't remember that part. It doesn't seem like a very Edward thing to say. But perhaps I don't "get" Edward. Stephenie said that she's surprised by the heaps of fanfiction that she reads where Edward is just... wrong. That's kind of why I'm so scared to write Twilight fanfiction (even though I'm working on one right now XD). ANYWAY, it's not like it's terrible that he calls her a spider monkey or anything, it's just a little... weird to me. But I'm open for anything. If Stephenie likes it, then I like it. And that is that.