Saturday, February 9, 2008


Changed layout. Found it on a website, but I had to take off the icky link thing they put on the top... I'll eventually make my own layout, but I liked the color scheme of this one, especially since I'm o an extreme Twilight kick. (: It's kind of Phantom of the Opera as well. And Pirates of the Caribbean. And even Gryffindor... So it's pretty me. Plus I like stars.

Also updated some information on my profile. If you're wondering, yes, I really do enjoy alphabetizing. I'm strange like that. Part of it is just me, but part of it can be blamed on my English teacher. I'm her "teacher's aid" 3rd hour, so I do a lot of stuff for her. One of the things I do for her is alphabetize all of the assignments. I also organize the bookshelves, straighten the desks, etc. etc. Basically, I'm there to help her with every OCD whim that she has. She's an awesome teacher and possibly the greatest speech coach ever. (: But on the other hand, I've always liked organizing things. This isn't so say I'm a neat freak-- far from it-- but I've always enjoyed organizing books according to size or author or title... I'm in charge of the "movie library" in our "movie theater" downstairs.

ANYWAY. I need to stop ranting and get to bed. I've got a full day tomorrow-- gotta clean my room in the morning, then I have musical, then speech showcase, and then there's a cabaret show for the senior high choir tonight. I love being overbooked.