Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I shouldn't be allowed to have money. I spend wayyy too much. I mean, a lot of teenagers would have already burned up their money if they'd made $2000+ during the summer, so I guess I'm not so bad. I still have over $1000. I think. I'm not quite sure. I should check that... I'm probably around $900 right now.

I bought some books. Two books, actually. I bought Prom Nights from Hell (a collection of "paranormal" prom stories by five famous authors of teenage romance novels, including Stephenie Meyer and Meg Cabot!) and then, since I'm retarded, I bought The Daring Book for Girls. My mom said that it's awesome... if I was twelve. I told her that it's interesting and it teaches me how to make my own quill and cool stuff like that. I even put my hair up with pencils and no ponytails! Of course, the way they said to do it in the book didn't work because I have a massive amount of hair, but it INSPIRED me to do it.

I also bought myself some body butter lotiony cream stuff. As luck has it, it was buy one get one free day at Bath and Body Works. So I have two kinds. They're both awesome.

And then I got a neat little clearance tote from Wal-Mart. And a bucket of scrapbooking stuff. It's fun.

So now I'm updating crap on my Facebook. WOO.

Long story short, I shouldn't spend my money as often as I do, but I still do. Because, like I said, I'm retarded. Yay me!


Beth said...

Ohhh Prongs.. i love you.. check out mine i updated am i your first comment ever??? that's freaking awsome i love you see you tomarrow..

Love Padfoot

P.S. if you get this before tomarrow bring a hair curler to school!!